Keenious can be used in Word and Google Docs in the same way as in the browser version. The advantage is that you can use your own text and search for related source material at different stages of writing. As in the browser version, you can select a specific text passage and use it as a basis of your search.
You will need the Keenious add-in. It can be installed in Word. Depending on the version either
Search for Keenious and install it by selecting Add.
Open Keenious by clicking on the Keenious Research Explorer button on the Word menu bar (see image below). Open your document or type in text and select Explore Using Text. Keenious will analyse the text and suggest articles related to the topic. You can use search filters and other functions in the same way as in the browser version.
To use Keenious in Google Docs, you need to install the Keenious add-in. See instructions in Keenious Help Center