Information security refers to measures that
1. Ensure the availability of data
2. The confidentiality of data
3. The integrity of data
Information security must be considered in data storage, processing, and transfer. This includes selecting appropriate storage locations, performing backups, using secure tools for data collection and processing, and managing access and usage rights.
Personal data and sensitive information, such as confidential personal data or trade secrets, must be handled with particular care. Haaga-Helia provides students with the following tools for data management.
Surveys with Webropol
Haaga-Helia offers students access to the Webropol survey and reporting application.
Interviews with Teams
Haaga-Helia provides students access to the Teams application for conducting interviews. By default, the recording is saved in the user's personal OneDrive folder, from which materials containing sensitive data should be transferred to the M-drive.
During the thesis process, various research materials are created, such as interviews and text, measurement results, images, and recordings. Digital data must be stored somewhere during the work process.
The selection of a storage location depends on:
Haaga-Helia's M-network drive
Haaga-Helia's M-shared drive
Cloud services such as OneDrive and Teams
As a general rule, thesis materials are not shared with anyone other than the possible thesis project partner and thesis advisor. Ensure confidentiality yourself!
We do not recommend storing thesis materials on the computer's memory or external storage devices such as USB drives, memory cards, or external hard drives, except for temporary purposes. These devices are vulnerable to failure and loss, and you must take care of backups yourself. If the device fails and no backups exist, the worst-case scenario is the loss of all thesis data.