The library gathers information on Haaga-Helia personnels´ publications and reports them forward to The Ministry of Education and Culture.
Personnel report their publications to Justus. Log in to Justus with your HH network account details. If you already do not have an e-Duuni ID, Justus will first ask your name and organization information. After that, the log in will work by using your HH network account.
All publication information reported in Justus will be checked and validated by the library before forwarding the information to publication data collection. Publication data accepted for the data collecting will be transferred to Virta publication data service. You can browse the data in and -services. Official statistics on previous data collecting is available through Vipunen.
In Justus you can browse the publications you have personally reported.
In Justus:
1. Select Save publication
2. If your publication has an assigned DOI identifier, you can use the DOI identifier to retrieve the publication information. You can also retrieve publication information from Juuli or Crossref -services with using f. ex headline, and use that information as the basis of your report. You can also skip these and just fill in the information manually. The last option is usually relevant.
3. Select the attributes describing your publication and publication outlet. For more information please check Justus instructions in english or contact HH library. (Antti Nyqvist).
4. Report the publications also for other HH authors by inserting their information on the Organisation´s authors and Organisational unit -fields. Those authors marked as Organisation´s authors do not have to report the publication. Ir is recommended to use the Prefill-function in inserting Organisation´s authors information where applicable.
5. In the Self-archiving section, insert the Authors Accepted Manuscript -file or other version authorized by the publisher of your publication if you are reporting a publication type A or C or D. If your publications is not these types, you can select "non-archivable publication".
If you have any questions regarding self-archiving, please contact the library.
6. Check the information and save.
In Justus you can browse the publications you have reported.
Publication refers e.g. to articles written for professional journals, scientific articles, texts written for the public and professional books. Conference publications are also accepted if they have an ISBN or if they have been published online in their entirety and are free to read.
The text must be connected to the author’s work.
The definition of publication is based on the publication type list of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
The common feature of scientific publications is that they fulfil the following three conditions:
1. The publication must produce new information in relation previous research data on the same subject.
2. The publication must be presented in a format thaty enables the verification of the research results and/or use of the research results, thus allowing other reserachers to assess the research results and use them in their own work.
3 The publication channel for the publication specialises in publishing scientific research results, and it has an editorial staff consisting of exerts in the field of science as well as a peer review practice.
Professional publications refer to publications that disseminate information based on research and development for the use of the professional comminuty. The readership of professional publications mainly includes persons tarined in the field who apply the information to their practical work
Varius studies and reports based on scientific research and development, produces in support of political or professional decision.making and typically published by a public body, are also considers as professional publications.
Popular publications refer to publications that disseminate information based on research and development to the public. Understanding their contents does not require particular familiarity with the field. Example of popular publications include newspaper articles, popular magazine articles and and network articles on online platforms taking a stand in public discussions.
If there are article processing charges (APC´s) relating to your publication, disclose them in the field Publication fee. Notify also the year of apc-fee payment. You can also give additional information about the payment, f.ex. was it covered by project funding or unit of the author or some other institution. APC-fees are a common business model in a number of OA and hybrid-journals.