Ajantasaiset tausta- ja taloustiedot suomalaisista yrityksistä, mm. kaupparekisteritiedot ja tilinpäätös. Pyydä dokumentit kirjaston henkilökunnalta tällä lomakkeella. Vain kurssitöitä varten.
Kauppalehden uutisarkisto ja osiossa Päivän lehti Kauppalehti ja Iltalehti näköisversioina. Lisäksi mm. markkinauutiset, pörssitiedot ja yrityshaku.
Research journals, trade journals, and magazines in business and related fields. Also includes company and industry profiles, SWOT analyses, country profiles and more.
Database on e-commerce markets, stores, companies, trends, etc. To access the data: click the Log In button on the top of the page. Button turns into an arrow and you are logged in.
Statistics and market data portal with access to more than 1,5 million statistics, forecasts, dossiers, reports, consumer behaviour and infographics on 80.000 topics from more than 18,000 sources. How-to tutorial videos in Statista.
Research journals, trade journals, and magazines in business and related fields. Also includes company and industry profiles, SWOT analyses, country profiles and more.
Database on e-commerce markets, stores, companies, trends, etc. To access the data: click the Log In button on the top of the page. Button turns into an arrow and you are logged in.
Profiles on over 6,000 airports worldwide, airport statistics, airline news, worldwide airline start-up tracker, and airline search. A personal account for the database needed. Access the database while logged in with your account and connected to Haaga-Helia’s network, see instructions (pdf). The source must always be cited. See Introduction webinar on YouTube.
Hospitality and tourism. E-books and statistics.
Market intelligence platform for the travel & tourism industry. Includes deep analysis, data and expert opinion on the companies and trends that are shaping the future of travel. For Haaga-Helia's students and personnel only. Use strictly prohibited for others.
Statistics and market data portal with access to more than 1,5 million statistics, forecasts, dossiers, reports, consumer behaviour and infographics on 80.000 topics from more than 18,000 sources. How-to tutorial videos in Statista.