Ajantasaiset tausta- ja taloustiedot suomalaisista yrityksistä, mm. kaupparekisteritiedot ja tilinpäätös. Pyydä dokumentit kirjaston henkilökunnalta tällä lomakkeella. Vain kurssitöitä varten.
Suitable for all study fields at Haaga-Helia. Articles from scholarly journals, trade journals, magazines and newspapers, as well as market and industry reports, business cases, conference papers, dissertations, blogs, videos and more. Includes several collections, including Abi Inform. Search guides by ProQuest.
Research journals, trade journals, magazines and other resources in economics, management, marketing, finance and accounting.
Kauppalehden uutisarkisto ja osiossa Päivän lehti Kauppalehti ja Iltalehti näköisversioina. Lisäksi mm. markkinauutiset, pörssitiedot ja yrityshaku.
Information on companies, including company overview, key facts, business description, history, key employees, major products and services, top competitors, locations and subsidiaries. In Business Source Premier, select Company Profiles in the top menu.
Industry reports on markets worldwide. Includes market analysis, competitive landscape and leading companies, industry forecasts, and more. In Business Source Premier, filter Publication type > Industry profile.
Statistics and market data portal with access to more than 1,5 million statistics, forecasts, dossiers, reports, consumer behaviour and infographics on 80.000 topics from more than 18,000 sources. How-to tutorial videos in Statista.
Marketing and advertising. Journal articles, case studies, statistics and research papers.
Use of the services is restricted to Haaga-Helia’s employees and current, full and part time students and is permitted for the users’ own educational, research and academic purposes. Use is strictly prohibited for others. Employees may use a reasonable amount of the services into course or study packs for Haaga-Helia’s students’ educational purposes. Warc automatically collects technical information when you use WARC websites, for example: IP address, log-in data, browser type, time zone setting and location and plug-in types when you interact with WARC websites. Please, read the WARC privacy policy on WARC site.
A collection over 1000 lectures and case studies by experts from commerce, industry, the professions and academia. The Collection is divided into six broad subject areas: Finance, Accounting & Economics; Global Business Management; Management Leadership & Organizations; Marketing & Sales; Strategy and Technology & Operations. Quick start guide in HSTalks.
Case study database on sustainable tourism, hospitality, events and recreation.
Joissain tietokannoissa, mm. ProQuest One Business, Ebscon Academic Search Elite ja WARC, on mahdollista rajata hakua dokumenttityypin mukaan: case study, business cases, business plan, jne. Emeraldissa on saatavilla osa kokoelmasta Emerging Markets Case Studies.
Sage Research Methods sisältää myös paljon tutkimusprojekteja esitteleviä keissejä opetukseen.
Kysy lisää kirjastosta!
Netissä on saatavilla paljon opetukseen tarkoitettuja yrityscaseja. Osa niistä on maksuttomia, osa maksullisia. Vaikka kyse olisikin maksuttomasta materiaalista, täytyy käyttöoikeudet tarkistaa aina tapauskohtaisesti.
The Case Center (myös paljon maksullisia caseja)
Netissä on lukuisia maksullisia yrityscaseja tarjoavia palveluja. Yleensä nämä toimivat siten, että opettaja kirjautuu palveluun ja ostaa vasen tietylle opiskelijaryhmälle erikseen. Kirjasto ei hanki caseja, mutta niiden maksusta kannattaa sopia oman koulutusohjelman kanssa.