You are likely to need several keywords to describe the topic of your search. In databases the search terms are combined using Boolean logic. Using the Boolean operators AND/OR/NOT allow you to effectively modify your search.
What do the words AND and OR mean in this search? Or the quotation marks? Take a look below!
marketing AND fashion
Compare with the search marketing
Use the operator AND to narrow down your search
travel OR tourism
Use the operator OR to broaden your search
travel NOT time
Compare with the search travel
Use the operator NOT to rule out unwanted topics
Truncate your search terms when needed so that all inflections will be covered, e.g.
market? > marketing, markets, market research ...
These truncation markers differ by database, the most popular being ? and *.
Phrase searching ensures that you will retrieve your search terms next to each other in the order you typed them. Social media, management models or human resources management are a few examples of a phrase.
Use quotation marks when searching for a phrase: e.g. ”management models”.