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How to search for information: Books and e-books

Search in HH Finna*

Search Haaga-Helia's online library. It contains both printed books and most e-books of 3AMK libraries Haaga-Helia, Laurea, and Metropolia. Haagahelians can only access Haaga-Helia's e-books.


Search the collections of other libraries in

E-books. Access them all with Haaga-Helia's user ID.

Ask for help

If the solutions suggested on this page don't work, you can book an Info Express appointment and a library's specialist will investigate the problem with you.

Check at least these, if an e-book is not working

Throrium Reader will replace Adobe Digital Editions as the e-book reader for Ellibs e-books from 12.2.2025. See instructions.
  • Make sure you have used HAKA login (the same Haaga-Helia’s user ID and password you use when logging in to computers on campus). E-books can’t be used with library card.
  • Do you have Haaga-Helia’s user ID and password? E-books can be used by Haaga-Helia’s students and staff only.
  • Make sure you selected the following link on HH Finna: Linkki verkkoaineistoon (Haaga-Helian lisenssi). If you are not a student or staff member of Laurea or Metropolia, you can’t use their e-books.
  • HAKA gives an error message, even when you selected the correct link? Are you using a network or computer provided by your employer? Could you try accessing the e-book from home?
  • If you can’t download an e-book: check that you have installed the e-book reader software needed. Adobe Acrobat Reader is not sufficient, you need a separate program Adobe Digital Editions. See instructions for downloading Adobe Digital Editions on the following tab.
  • Try another web browser (not Internet Explorer).

If the e-book still doesn’t work

  • Check your internet connection.
  • Close your browser and reopen it. Clear browser history.
  • Use the link on HH Finna. Links copied elsewhere or found with a Google search may not work.
  • Do you have a large number of programs and apps open on your computer? Close the unnecessary programs and try again.
  • Check which browsers are supported or recommended by the e-book service. Supported browsers may vary. Internet Explorer is not recommended.
  • Many e-book services provide various ways of reading an e-book: e.g. downloading or online reading. If one way is not working, try another one.
  • Is the number of e-book copies available limited? Are all copies currently in us?  Make a reservation, if the e-book service provides this option.
  • Some e-book services provide information on when the e-books currently in use will be available again. Have another try then.
  • Can you read other e-books on the same e-book service? If you can, there may be a problem with just one book. Contact the library, so we can fix the problem.
  • Some e-book services provide a separate app for reading e-books. Why not try them? See instructions for different e-book services in this guide.

Many e-books can be downloaded and used offline with Adobe Digital Editions e-book reader. This is how it's done:

  1.  Install Adobe Digital Editions e-book reader.
    •  Authorize Adobe Digital Editions (Help > Authorize computer)
      • If you read e-books on a single computer, you can authorize the reader without an Adobe ID.
        • Choose: "I want to authorize my computer without an ID.”
      • If you want to read e-books on multiple devices, authorize the reader with Adobe ID.
        • Required with mobile apps.
        • Create an Adobe ID. The email address you enter will be your Adobe ID.
  2. Download the e-book following the instructions of the e-book service you are using.

More information on Adobe Digital Editions.

Ebook Central has tens of thousands of mainly English language e-books from various fields of science.  The service includes the former Ebrary and Ebook Library collections. These e-books can be read either directly in your browser or by loaning the books onto your own workstation. Most books allow unlimited simultaneous users (Your institution has unlimited access to this book), while some titles have a 1-3 user license.

Download an e-book

The majority of the books may be loaned for 1-7 days, a few for 1-3 days. Books can be downloaded after logging in to Ebook Central using Haaga-Helia credentials (HAKA login). You need a free reader program Adobe Digital Editions to download books. It is available in the App Store or Google Play. For mobile devices, an Adobe ID is necessary. For desktop computers, Adobe ID is only needed if you wish to transfer the downloaded book to another device. See instructions for downloading Adobe Digital Editions.

  1. Access Ebook Central using the link above and go directly to step 6 OR
  2. Go to HH Finna.
  3. In remote use, remember to log in to HH Finna with your Haaga-Helia user ID and password.
  4. Search for ”Ebook Central”.
  5. Go to Ebook Central by clicking the link "Link to e-resource (Haaga-Helia license)".
  6. You can browse books by topics or search by name or subject, e.g. ”business plan”.
  7. Click the Download Book button and select your device.
  8. Install Adobe Digital Editions. If you already have the program installed, select Done with this step.
  9. Select Loan length and Download format (EPUB or PDF). Press Download.
  10. Open the book with Adobe Digital Editions.

Your loans are visible on your Ebook Central Bookshelf. Downloaded books are automatically removed when the loan period expires. Ebook Central e-books cannot be returned before the loan period ends.

Read an e-book in your browser (Read online) 

  1. Access Ebook Central using the link above and go directly to step 6 OR
  2. Go to HH Finna.
  3. In remote use, remember to log in to HH Finna with your Haaga-Helia user ID and password.
  4. Search for ”Ebook Central”.
  5. Go to Ebook Central by clicking the link "Tietokannan käyttöliittymä".
  6. You can browse books by topics or search by name or subject, e.g. ”business plan”.
  7. Click the book cover to open the e-book.

Reserve an e-book

When all copies of an Ebook Central book are in use, you can reserve the book.
1.    Click Place Hold.

For the first time, enter your email address: "You do not have a confirmed Wait List email. To place a hold, visit your Profile and add your Wait List email address." Confirm your email when you receive a request from ProQuest Ebook Central.

2.    Once the book becomes available, you will receive an email notification with a link to the book and information on how long the hold is valid. The hold will also appear in your Ebook Central Bookshelf.

If you no longer need the reserved book, you can cancel the reservation by using the Cancel Hold button.

More instructions

You can save books to your own Ebook Central bookshelf, write notes and underline passages in the books and format a limited number pages/book into a normal PDF file. E-books can also be downloaded onto tablet devices (iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab), e-Readers (Sony Reader, Kindle) and smart phones. 


Ebsco's e-books can be read online with an internet browser. Some of the books can also be downloaded. Online reading requires an internet connection while reading, whereas downloaded books can be read offline.

Read Ebsco eBooks online

You can access all subscribed Ebsco e-books directly from the Ebsco eBook service (recommended). Some of the e-books can also be accessed via HH Finna. To retrieve a book via HH Finna, click on the link EBSCOhost Ebook Subscription or EBSCOhost Ebook Subscription Harvard Business Review Press. For remote access, you will be asked to enter your Haaga-Helia user ID and password.

In the Ebsco eBook service, the e-book has either

  • an Access options menu, where you can select to open the book in PDF or EPUB format, or
  • an Access now (eBook), which opens the book in PDF format.

Download Ebsco eBooks onto your device

You will need Adobe Digital Editions or an equivalent reader to download the e-book. Download the reader if you don't already have it.

You can access all subscribed Ebsco e-books directly from the Ebsco eBook service (recommended). Some of the e-books can also be accessed via HH Finna. To retrieve a book via HH Finna, click on the link EBSCOhost Ebook Subscription or EBSCOhost Ebook Subscription Harvard Business Review Press. For remote access, you will be asked to enter your Haaga-Helia user ID and password.

  1.  If downloading the whole book is possible, the Download button is available in the book details screen of the Ebsco eBook service. Click Download.

  1. In the next window that opens, select Full eBook.
  2. To download the full eBook, you will need to log in to you MyEBSCO account. Select Sign and log in with your MyEBSCO credentials or select Create an account. Individual chapters (Chapters only) can be downloaded without logging in.
  3. Select loan period (Borrow for) and download format (Select a format). Confirm that you have Adobe Digital Editions or equivalent installed.
  4. To open the book, click on the Download button. The book will be downloaded to your device for a maximum of 7 days.
  5. Open the book in Adobe Digital Editions or equivalent e-book reader. The book may take a while to load into the program.
  6. During the loan period, you can return to the book either in Adobe Digital Editions or by logging in to the Ebsco eBook service.

Reserve an e-book

Ebsco's e-books can be used by 1 or 3 users at the same time. The number of user licenses vary. If the e-book is not available, you can reserve it. To reserve a book, you need to log in with your MyEBSCO user ID.

The Ellibs library includes hundreds of e-book titles in Finnish and English, mainly non-fiction. The e-books have a limited number of concurrent user licences. That is, for each e-book, there are a number of “copies” available for loan, just like with printed books. You can select a loan period of either 1 day or 5 days.

The Ellibs e-books are available in HH Finna or directly on the Ellibs service. Log in to the service with your Haaga-Helia user ID and password (HAKA login). You can read Ellibs' e-books in several ways. Below instructions for reading with

See also instructions for listening to audiobooks.

More detailed instructions on Ellibs' website.

Throrium Reader will replace Adobe Digital Editions as the e-book reader for Ellibs e-books from 12.2.2025

Browser reading and mobile access will remain unchanged. Loans made before the cut-off date can be completed in Adobe Digital Editions. 

A small number of books are currently still only available for reading with Adobe Digital Editions. Ellibs is working to migrate these books to Thorium Reader before the Adobe phase-out.

In some situations, Thorium Reader will give an error message when opening a book if the user already has a previous, outstanding loan for the same book. The problem can be solved as follows:

  1. Select All publicatons on the left-hand side of Thorium and click on the overdue book.
  2. From the window that appears, select Delete and click Yes to confirm.
  3. Re-open the book.

In case of problems, Ellibs support can help at

Download an e-book to Thorium Reader on your computer

 1. Download and install a reader software Thorium Reader. Select the corret link for your device:

2. Go to the Ellibs service. Log in with your Haaga-Helia user ID and password (HAKA login).

3. Go to My Bookshelf to check your LCP Passphrase. You will need it when you open an e-book in Thorium Reader for the first time.

4. Download a book file for your device by selecting Download (Thorium Reader) and open the .lcpl file in the reader software.

5. Enter your LCP Passphrase in the reader program. In the future, you can bypass this step 1 to 2 and download books directly to your reader software.

You can see the e-books you've downloaded both in Thorium Reader and in My Bookshelf.

See Ellibs' instrutional video on YouTube .

Download an e-book to Adobe Digital Editions on your computer

Note! Ellibs will discontinue the use of Adobe Digital Editions in February 2025, after which Thorium Reader will be used.

1. Install Adobe Digital Editions e-book reader.

  •  Authorize Adobe Digital Editions (Help > Authorize computer)
    • If you read e-books on a single computer, you can authorize the reader without an Adobe ID.
      • Choose: I want to authorize my computer without an ID.
    • If you want to read e-books on multiple devices, authorize the reader with Adobe ID.
      • Required with mobile apps.
      • Create an Adobe ID. The email address you enter will be your Adobe ID.

2. Go to the Ellibs service.

3. Log in with your Haaga-Helia user ID and password (HAKA login).
4. Download the book file to your device by tapping the Download to your device button. The right to borrow books will be transferred to your device as a separate URLLink.acsm file. Open the file in the reader program.

Read an e-book online in browser

1. Go to the Ellibs service.

2. Log in with your Haaga-Helia user ID and password (HAKA login).

3. Borrow the book by tapping the Read online button and begin reading.

Read an e-book with the Ellibs app

1. Download the Ellibs app

2. Log in to your own library (Haaga-Helia) with the app.

3. Borrow an e-book or audiobook by tapping the Borrow button. The e-book will automatically appear in the reader screen when it is borrowed. When borrowing an audiobook, the Borrow button will change into a Listen button. When the button is tapped, the app will open the play screen and you may begin listening to the audiobook. In both cases, the e-book/audiobook can be accessed later on the My Bookshelf screen.

Read e-books with an e-book reader

First, download the e-book to your computer and then transfer it to the reader using the computer reader program. When you connect the reader to a USB port on the computer, the device will appear on the reader programme menu and you will be able to copy the e-book file to the reader.

More detailed instructions on how to transfer and download e-books can be found in the instructions included with the device.

Can e-books be reserved?

If all copies of a book are on loan, it may be possible for you to make a reservation. The books available for reservation are clearly marked with a Reserve button. Books in PDF format cannot be reserved. 

You will be notified by e-mail when the reserved book is available on your bookshelf in Ellibs. The loan period begins immediately once it has been transferred to your bookshelf.

Making a reservation is free of charge.

Don’t worry about returning an e-book

At the end of the loan period, the electronic book file will close automatically. You don’t have to worry about due dates. If you wish, though, you can return e-books earlier.

Listen to audiobooks

1. Go to the Ellibs service. Log in with your Haaga-Helia user ID and password (HAKA login).

2. In the Format menu, select Audiobook (MP3).

2. Select the  audiobook you wish to listen to.

3. You can listen to the audiobook in three ways.

Can audiobooks be reserved?

If all copies of a book are on loan, it may be possible for you to make a reservation. The books available for reservation are clearly marked with a Reserve button. Books in PDF format cannot be reserved.

You will be notified by e-mail when the reserved book is available on your bookshelf in Ellibs. Making a reservation is free of charge.

Don’t worry about returning an audio-book

At the end of the loan period, the audiobook file will close automatically. You don’t have to worry about due dates. If you wish, though, you can return audiobooks earlier.

CABI’s Leisure and Tourism eBooks collection provides books from the leisure, recreation, sport, hospitality, tourism and culture sectors. Books are presented in easy-to-navigate PDF files. The dynamic file continues to grow year on year ensuring up-to-date high quality content.

Read Leisure Tourism eBooks online

  1. Open the Leisure Tourism
  2. Select the appropriate topic you wish to search by clicking the "search within topic" box.
  3. Choose "Cabi book info" from "Filter by type" box.
  4. Once selected click the "Search" button.
  5. Filter your search further by adding additional terms from the right hand column.
  6. You can also search for a book by name or topic, such as "tourism management".
  7. Need more help? Read CABeBooks user guide

You will be asked for Haaga-Helia's user ID and password, if you are accessing the resources outside Haaga-Helia's network.

O'Reilly for Higher Education (formerly Safari Books Online) includes a large collection of e-books, videos, audio books and online courses mainly on IT and business.

How to read O'Reilly for Higher Education e-books (user without account)

  1. Go to O'Reilly for Higher Education.
  2. Click the link "Institution not listed?", which is below the dropdown menu.
  3. If you haven't created an account yet, type in your Haaga-Helia email address.
  4. Click button Let's Go.
  5. Search for the book you need. You can search by title or author or browse books by topic.
  6. You can read an e-book directly in a browser. No e-book reader needed.
  7. Click the cover of the book and you’ll see the book’s description and table of contents.
  8. Click the button ”Start reading now”.

It is also possible to create a personal account. When you sign in, you will receive an email with instruction on how to create an account. N.B.! If you create a personal account, you need to sign in with this account ID (and not with your e-mail address).

How to read O'Reilly for Higher Education e-books (user who already has an account)

  1. Go to O'Reilly for Higher Education.
  2. Click the link "Institution not listed?", which is below the dropdown menu.
  3. Click the link "Already a user?"
  4. You are now in the Sign In page. Type your Haaga-Helia email address.
  5. Click button Continue.
  6. Type your password for O'Reilly. (Notice, this password is not your Haaga-Helia user ID password / Haka-login password!)
  7. Click button Sign In.
  8. If you have forgotten your password for this service, click link "Forgot Password?" and you will get a new one to your Haaga-Helia email.
  9. Search for the book you need. You can search by title or author or browse books by topic.
  10. You can read an e-book directly in a browser. No e-book reader needed.
  11. Click the cover of the book and you’ll see the book’s description and table of contents.
  12. Click the button ”Start reading now”.

How to download O'Reilly for Higher Education e-books to mobile devices

E-books can be downloaded to a mobile app (Android and iOS). The mobile app requires you to create a personal account (see step 2 above).


Loan period for Pearson e-books is one day.

How to read Vitalsource Bridgen e-books in your browser

  1. Go to Vitalsource Bridge.
  2. Select a book and click Activate and then Launch.
  3. You don't need to give an email address and create an account to read books in your browser. You can click No thanks, I'll skip this step.
  4. Accept Terms of use.
  5. The book opens for you to read.

If you wish to download an e-book, you have to create an account in Vitalsource Bridge and to download Bookshelf reader software.

  1. Go to Vitalsource Bridge.
  2. Select a book and click Activate and then Launch.
  3. Give your email address and create an account.
  4. Accept Terms of use.
  5. The book opens for you to read.
  6. Download the reader app Bookshelf.
  7. Open the Bookshelf app on your device.
  8. N.B.! You can only download books you have Launched in your browser and while you were logged in to your account. It's not possible to browse all e-books in the Bookshelf app.
  9. Download the book by clicking the book cover in Bookshelf.

You can make highlights and notes in the e-books (see video tutorial "Highlights and notes on Vitalsource Bridge). If you have an account, your notes will be saved on your account and you can share them with other users.

VitalSource Bridge video tutorials

Sage Catalyst VitalSource User Guide - instructions and videos.

VLeBooks includes books formerly available on Dawsonera. E-books on VLeBooks can be read online with an internet browser. Some of the books can also be downloaded. Online reading requires an internet connection while reading, whereas downloaded books can be read offline.

Read e-books on VLeBooks online

  1. Go to  HH Finna and search the book you need.
  2. Login with Haaga-Helia's user ID an password (HAKA login).
  3. Click the link  "Linkki verkkoaineistoon (Haaga-Helian lisenssi) ".
  4. Click "Read online".

Download  e-books on VLeBooks onto your device

Some e-books can be downloaded for 1, 2 or 5 days. To download books, you need to install an e-book reader software. First, create and Adobe ID , if you don't have it. Then download Adobe Digital Editions, a free program that is different from Adobe Reader. Adobe Digital Editions is also available for free on App Store and Google Play.

  1. Go to HH Finna and search the book you need.
  2. Login with Haaga-Helia's user ID an password (HAKA login).
  3. Click the link  "Linkki verkkoaineistoon (Haaga-Helian lisenssi) ".
  4. Click "Download".
  5. Select loan period 1, 2 or 5 days and click  "Download".
  6. Wait while the downloading is being prepared and then select "Click here to download".
  7. The e-book will open in Adobe Digital Edition. The downloading may take a while.

Reserve an e-book

If the maximum number of users has been reached, a pop-up will appear stating that no licenses are available.

1. Enter your Haaga-Helia email address and click 'Reserve'

2. When the book is available, you will be notified by email that the book is now available to access. The title is reserved for you for 4 hours. 

3. Login to VLeBooks. Click My account and then the Reservations tab to find the reserved book.

For more instructions, go to the Help section on VLeBooks or see the tutorial videos below.

Saavutettavuusseloste / Accessibility Statement