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How to search for information: Open Access

Open Access = OA

Freely available on the net, free of charge.

Open access publishing is increasing. Why?Open access logo.

  • Openness and transparency is a basic principle of science.
  • Research is financed with public funds. Therefore, it's reasonable to expect that research results are made public and available to all.

Why should you be interested in Open Access publications and data?

  • Open access publications are accessible throughout your career, even after graduation.
  • As a contrast, research publications in library's databases are behind a paywall. Their use is limited to Haaga-Helia's students and staff.

Open access publications

Open publications include

  • OA journals with all contents open (scientific and professional publications)
  • Individual open access articles in scientific journals otherwise subject to a fee
  • Articles, theses, and other publications in organizational or subject-specific repositories such as Theseus, Aaltodoc, Helda
  • Self-archived publications
    • Self-archiving = an article is originally published in a scientific journal subject to a fee and then saved in an open repository. The self-archived copy is freely available immediately or after a pre-determined time (embargo)
    • Publications of public research organizations and public authorities

Find open access publications

Article databases

HH Finna's article search and many other databases allow you to filter your search to open access publications.

Open access filter in a database.

Search engines and other services specializing in open access publications

  • Google Scholar - Google's search engine specializing in research publications
  • BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine) - search engine for open research data
  • CORE - searches articles in open repositories and open access journals
  • DOAB - Directory of Open Access Books
  • DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
  • - Finnish research journals online
  • OSF Preprints - Open Science Network, searches several preprint archives at the same time
  • TiSci - scientific journals in Finland

More information on Alternative Access to articles (site by FinELib Consortium)

Open data

The openness of research is also promoted by making research data available for others to use.

Search for Finnish open data with the following services:

Research data must be cited, just like other sources (books, articles, etc.). The original producer of the data must be given credit.

How to use open access materials?

Creative Commons

When you use publications or data produced by someone else, you need to use appropriate citations and be aware of copyright and licensing issues. Materials and data on the internet may either be freely utilized or use may be restricted. The terms for use are usually determined by licenses. A licensing system often used is Creative Commons (CC).

Creative Commons license conditions are listed in the table below. An author of original material can decide how users may utilize his/her material and indicate these rights with a combination of the CC conditions.

For instance, a combination can look like this:

Creative Commons -lisenssi

This work is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC BY-SA 4.0).

Creative commons logo attribution

BY, BYAttribution

Credit must be given to the original creator.

Creative commons logo non-commercial.

NC, NonCommercial

Only noncommercial uses of the work are permitted.

Creative commons logo share alike.

SA, ShareAlike

Adaptations are allowed, but they must be shared under the same terms.

Crative commons logo non-derivatives.

ND, NonDerivatives

No derivatives or adaptations of the work are permitted.

Public domain logo.


Creator has given up their copyright and put their works into the worldwide public domain.



Public domain

Free of known copyright restrictions. Enables reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, with no conditions.

More information is available on the Creative Commons website.

Using images

Images published on the internet are protected by copyright. ImagOA guide by Aalto University provides information on searching and using open access images.

ImagOA logo


Open Research, Development and Innovation at Haaga-Helia

Haaga-Helia is committed to promoting opennes in its activities. More information in the guide

Saavutettavuusseloste / Accessibility Statement