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Mendeley Reference Management: Add, check and edit references

Add references to Mendeley

You can add references to Mendeley

  1. with Web Importer
  2. as a PDF file
  3. manually
  4. from databases or other reference management software as RIS, XML, or BibTex file
  5. with Watched Folder function automatically

1. Add references with Web Importer

When you have installed Web Importer, you can add references from HH Finna. N.B. ! Web Importer doesn't seem to work properly in all versions of Firefox, according to tests conducted by the library. We recommend using other browsers, such as Chrome or Edge.

1. Do a search in HH Finna and click the title.

2. Click the red Web Importer button.

3. Select the reference you want in the window that opens to the right side of the screen. Select the Collection. Click the pen icon - Edit reference.


4. Check that Web Importer has identified correctly all data for the reference. Add missing data and select Add.


5. Click View Library at the bottom of the window to go to your account in Mendeley Web. The reference has been added to your account.

When you have installed Web Importer, you can add references from databases. N.B. ! Web Importer doesn't seem to work properly in all versions of Firefox, according to tests conducted by the library. We recommend using other browsers, such as Chrome or Edge.

1. Click the red Web Importer button.

2. Select the reference you want in the window that opens to the right side of the screen. Select the Collection. Click the pen icon - Edit reference (pen icon is not visible in the image below).

3. Check that Web Importer has identified correctly all data for the reference. Add missing data and select Add.

4. Click View Library at the bottom of the window to go to your account in Mendeley Web. The reference has been added to your account.

When you have installed Web Importer, you can add references from web pages. N.B. ! Web Importer doesn't seem to work properly in all versions of Firefox, according to tests conducted by the library. We recommend using other browsers, such as Chrome or Edge.

1. Click the red Web Importer button.

2. Select the reference you want in the window that opens to the right side of the screen. Select the Collection. Click the pen icon - Edit reference (pen icon is not visible in the image below).

3. Check that Web Importer has identified correctly all data for the reference. Add missing data and select Add.

4. Click View Library at the bottom of the window to go to your account in Mendeley Web. The reference has been added to your account.

2. Add PDF files

If you have reference material saved as PDF files in your computer, you can add them to Mendeley. You can add PDF files both to Mendeley Web and Mendeley Reference Manager.

1 Click Add new, then File(s) from computer.

Or you can drag and drop a file to Mendeley.

2. Check that data for the reference is correct. Mendeley may not recognise all necessary information in a PDF file. Click the reference in you Mendeley account. You can check and edit references in a window that opens to the right side of the screen.

You can follow a folder on your computer and have Mendeley import PDFs you've added there automatically, see option 5 below.

3. Add references manually

1. Select Add new, then Add entry manually.

2. Select the correct Reference Type and add missing data. Click Add entry. After you've added the reference, the information can be edited if needed. See Edit References in Mendeley.

4. From databases or other reference management software as RIS, XML, or BibTex file

Databases allow you to save references as a RIS, XML, or BibTeX file, which can then be exported to Mendeley. This method can also be used to copy references from one reference management software to another. 

1. Select references in database's result list (or reference management software). 

2. Find and click the button used to export references, usually Export.

Näytönkaappaus tietokannasta, jossa siirrettävät viitteet valittuina.

3. Select the file format RIS, XML, or BibTeX.

4. Save FileOK.

5. Add the file to your Mendeley account. Select Add new > Import library. Select the file format (RIS, XML, or BibTeX) and upload the file.

Näytönkaappaus Mendeleysta: tiedoston lisääminen.

6. Check and edit the reference if needed. See Edit References in Mendeley.

5. Watch a folder to add PDFs automatically

 Use the Watched Folder function to import PDFs from any folder in your computer. When you add any new PDFs to this folder, the files will be instantly imported into your library when you have an internet connection. You can have one watched folder per device. The feature is only available for Mendeley Reference Manager Desktop.   

  1. Select Add references and then Set up watched folder.

  1. Click Choose folder to watch, then select the folder you wish to watch.

  1. PDF files in the folder are imported to the All references view in your Mendeley account. Mendeley will watch the folder and import any PDFs automatically to Mendeley. References imported to Mendeley from your Watched Folder are marked in green (see image below).

  1. Check and edit the references if needed. See Edit References in Mendeley.

Select Reference type

When you add references to Mendeley, select a matching Reference type. Below we've listed some tips for selecting the reference type and editing the data provided for each type. Remember to check that Web Importer has identified the data correctly. Add any missing data.


Reference type

Article in a database publication (not newspaper articles) Journal article
Article in printed magazines (not newspaper articles) Journal article
Blog Web page
Books and e-books Book
Chapter or article in an edited work

Book section

Figures and tables

According to the source of the figure or table.

Figure or table from a book/e-book: Book

Figure or table from website: Web page

  • When needed, add "adapted from" or CC license to in-text reference.
Internal websites (intranet) Web page
Interviews and oral sources

Hearing. Type in the Title field: Informant's position. Name of organization. Form of communication.

For instance: Human Resources Director. Metropolitan company. Interview.

Laws Statute. Type in the Title field: full name of the law and the number of the statute. Leave all other fields empty.
Newspaper articles in print and e-format Newspaper article
Online videos (YouTube etc.) Web page
Public websites, PDFs or other types of files published on public websites Web page
Social media: tweets, Facebook posts etc. Web page
Thesis Thesis

Saavutettavuusseloste / Accessibility Statement