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Mendeley Reference Management: Adding citations and bibliography in Word

Mendeley Cite

Once you have installed Mendeley Cite, you can access it in Word's tab References. Click the Mendeley Cite icon.

Select Sign in to log in with your Mendeley credentials.


Go to the tab Citation Style to choose a style. Click Change citation style. We recommend using Cite Them Right 12th Edition - Harvard. You can use it, even though it differs from Haaga-Helia's reporting guidelines. If Cite Them Right is not listed, click Search for another style.

The reference style Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences - Harvard found in Mendeley is not maintained by Haaga-Helia and does not correspond to the Haaga-Helia reporting guidelines. We do not recommend its use.

Citation style selection is document-specific. You need to check and select citation style for each Word document.


This page includes instructions for

Adding citations

Open Mendeley Cite by clicking the red Mendeley Cite button. Mendeley Cite window opens to the right side of your screen. Under References, select the correct Collection and reference, see image below. Select Insert citation. N.B.! Do not use the referencing tools built into the menu in Word! Always use the Mendeley Cite add-in.


If you want to add a citation with multiple references, select all the references and then click the Insert citation button.

If you have already added several citations to your text in Word, highlight the references and select More, then Merge Citations.

Two citations highlighted in text.


Merce citations function in Mendeley.

Editing citations

If you need to edit a citation click the reference in question in your text. After this you will see the reference in Mendeley Cite add-in and you can choose it by clicking it.


Adding page number or suppressing author's name

Add page numbers by selecting  Page in the drop-down menu. Type the page numbers. If a full stop is needed for the citation, add it to the Page field after page numbers. To hide author's name in citation, check  Suppress author. This will create a citation like this: ...according to Baum (2019)...


Adding full stop in the in-text reference

In-text references are different when referring to a single sentence and when referring to multiple sentences (see instructions). If a full stop inside brackets is needed for the citation, add it to the Suffix field (see image below).

Full stop outside brackets is added in Word in a normal way, just like any other full stop.

You can delete a reference just like you normally delete any text in Word.

This page includes instructions for

Inserting bibliography

When you want to add a bibliography to your text, first make sure the cursor is where you want to insert the bibliography. In Mendeley Cite, click the three dots.


Then select Insert Bibliography.


Mendeley reminds you of the fact that the bibliography is inserted where you cursor is located in your document. Finally, click OK.


Editing bibliography

Generally, you should edit references in your Mendeley account and not in Word. This way you edit both in-text references and references in bibliography. To update edits in Mendeley Cite, select More > Update from library.

If you want to edit the bibliography in Word:

  • Only edit the bibliography when your document is completed and you will not make any more changes in your report.
  • Save a backup copy of your document, using a different file name. This is done as a precaution.
  • Activate the bibliography by clicking it (frame and three dots in the corner appear around the bibliography). Right click the bibliography (use mouse's right side button) and select Remove content control.


  • Now, you can edit the text in bibliography just as you would edit a normal Word document. For instance, you can edit margins or change italics to regular font, etc.
  • N.B.! Using the Remove content control function deletes the connection between your bibliography and Mendeley. It cannot be restored. If for some reason you need to edit the document and add in-text references, delete the old bibliography and add a new one with Mendeley Cite: More > Insert Bibliography. An alternative way is to make edits to the backup file. 

Deleting bibliography

The bibliography is updated automatically whenever you add or delete references or edit them. If you for some reason wish to delete the bibliography, do so by clicking the bibliography. A frame with three dots appear around the bibliography. When you click the three dots on the upper left corner, the whole bibliography will be selected. Now you can delete it as you would any text in Word.

Copying a bibliography from Mendeley account

It's possible to copy a separate bibliography directly from your Mendeley account.

To meet Haaga-Helia's requirements for reports and theses, you need to edit your references as explained below. You do not need to make any other edits to references, even though the format differs from Haaga-Helia's referencing style regarding italics, punctuation, order etc.

Edit in-text citations

For laws and statutes, you need to delete the abbreviation n.d. Click the reference in your text. After this you will see the reference in Mendeley Cite add-in and you can choose it by clicking it. Select Manually override and then manually delete the comma and n.d.


  1. Add hyperlinks to web addresses in your bibliography.
  2. For laws and statutes, delete no date from the reference.See instructions for editing the bibliography.

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