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Mendeley Reference Management: Edit references in Mendeley

Editing in Mendeley

It is recommended to edit references already when you are adding a reference with Web Importer in your web browser or when you add them manually in Mendeley. However, references already stored in Mendeley account can be edited in Mendeley. You can make changes manually or by importing metadata using a publication identifier (for example, DOI). You can also add PDFs or tags to the references.

 Edit manually

Click on the reference to view its detailed information in the panel that opens on the right side of the screen. Edit the information by clicking on the desired field. Under the Key Information section, you can edit the basic reference details such as Reference type (click the pencil icon), Title, Author(s), Year, Publisher, URL(s), etc. The available fields will change based on the type of source.

Kuvankaappaus viitteen muokkaamisesta Mendeleyssa.

Changes are saved automatically.

Import metadata using an identifier (e.g., DOI)

Click on the reference to view its detailed information in the panel that opens on the right side of the screen. In the Identifiers & Access section of the editing window, you can check if your reference has any document identifier stored, such as a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). If it does, hover over the identifier field and click the magnifying glass icon. Mendeley will fetch the reference metadata (author, journal name, volume, issue, pages, etc.) and automatically complete the reference details. Remember to verify the information.

Näytönkaappaus metadatan tuonnista DOI-tunnisteen avulla.

Add PDF files and tags

In the Added by me section, you can:

  • Add a PDF file to the reference
  • Add tags to the reference, which will help you find similar references (by topic, source type, or other identifier relevant to you).

Tagin ja tiedoston lisääminen Mendeleyssa.

Saavutettavuusseloste / Accessibility Statement